I'm Not Farrel You Retard
2007-02-19 23:54:57 UTC
After hearing he's being compared to the liar crook and internet freak
Oh, but Ernie says he didn't "compare" himself to Dr. Fleming or sayernie.
that he was "similar" to him. But here's the exchange back on February
11th and 12th which started it all (link: http://tinyurl.com/2gjsy6):
(I said): ..... *all* of the media, all drug companies, and everyone all
has access to what's being posted here on alt.baldspot, Ernie, and have
had access for the past seven years at least. That includes all your
archived posts from the past seven years or so you've been here. And
guess what? No one has approached you to do a story about your "method"
and your "theories," no one credible has approached you about
your "findings." That's because you're a crank. There's no other
explanation, Ernie. Sorry.
(Ernie responds): How long did It take for Alexander Fleming to get the
medical world to accept penicillin, and he was a doctor. It was only
used on orders of Sir Winston to treat war wounded personel. Ernie
Oh, but Ernie wasn't suggesting there was any similarity or comparison
between him and Alexander Fleming, ohhh noooooo. He just brought up Dr.
Fleming *in* *passing*..... riiiiight.
(PS: Kook says crazier?)